Sunday, April 16, 2023

Chronicles Of Hotel Breakfast

Stated simply- I *adore* hotel breakfast. Why? Great question. I have no idea.

It's probably the idea of a hotel having breakfast more than the meal itself.

Anyway, below is a list of possibly-entertaining things I've experienced while having breakfast at a hotel.

I've stayed at many and probably should have begun this months ago but here we are. Hopefully it strikes somebody as even a little bit interesting.


Chronicles Of Hotel Breakfast

(last updated on 03/18/2024)

*eating yogurt with the "other" side of a fork because there were no spoons
*wondering what to get as if I've never done it before
*people standing in the way for seemingly no reason
*someone watched me take a banana, not like an admirer but as a detective would
*realizing there were mugs after filling a paper cup with coffee
*phone ringers constantly being set to the loudest possible volume
*waffle machines that beep endlessly because they get filled then ignored
*was that kid crying or just yelling?
*I have trouble believing that A LOT of people still smoke
*a Santa guy was wearing a Santa shirt, which obviously meant he was Santa (what a great disguise!)
*an unaccompanied toddler in a hat got many kind comments
*an old lady repeatedly hid her face with a napkin
*one toddler can ruin a perfectly quiet room
*the sign indicating that an employee was deaf did not prepare me for his shouting
*a large lady walked into the room and said, zombie-like, "I smell beef"; there was no beef
*which do people enjoy more- not stifling coughs or backing up without looking?
*if I was twice as heavy as both of my kids combined, I would probably yell at them for no reason as well
*an over-attentive worker constantly replaced bread when people took it
*"Happy New Year!"   "Wrong answer."
*please stop constantly getting up

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