Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Yes, Worries

Yes, Worries

Dear Guy Who Went Out Of His Way To Hold A Door For Me Even Though I Showed No Signs Of Not Being Able To Open It Myself:

Firstly, in the name of simplicity, I shall refer to you as Duckfart, because I have no idea what your stupid name actually is.

Dear Duckfart:

In case you don’t remember our importantly notable encounter this morning, I was about 15 feet from a doorway I had to enter when some girl came flying out because her hand was holding a leash attached to a large, running dog.

This made me think of how annoying it is when people say, 'Are you walking your dog or is your dog walking you LOLOLOLOLzzz!!!!!11’, so I was furious before even seeing you.

And then you appeared, Duckfart.

Instead of trying to help your friend who was being doghandled, you ran around the door to hold it open as if I was royalty.

As I walked past you to enter the building, you said something peculiar- "No worries, bro."

Being a trendosaurus maximus (as the kids say), I knew your statement stood in place of "You're welcome", which is also a strange phrase that I will get to a bit later.

Curiously, you said it without being thanked at all. Regardless of my plan to feign gratitude or not, you boldly assumed I was not just grateful but indebted to your poor excuse for generosity.

Essential to say, I was fuming mad by the time I walked through the doorway and here is my list of reasons why:

1) You are one of the rudest people I have ever encountered, Duckfart. Holding a door open when somebody is right there should obligatorily be done, but stopping your travel to whirl around in dramatic fashion to hold a door for somebody whose arms are not full is inexcusable. You are not a hero. You are an obnoxious, attention-seeking loser whose only hope for redemption is to train your dog to hold doors for strangers because that would be interesting.

2) Did you really think I was worried? I was absurdly confident in my ability to open that door and enter the building. And was I supposed to be concerned that you would break your stupid shoulder or something while holding the door for me? Nothing about our encounter worried me until after, when I was screaming internally.

3) Do you think you’re Australian, Duckfart? Because you are not. You had no criminal accent and Australian rugby players would probably beat you mercilessly simply for wearing that fitted blazer that your grandmother likely said you look 'darling' in.

In case you are wondering why I am blathering about Australia, “No worries” is a phrase with roots to that lovely country.

4) If you meant "You're welcome", you chose another dumb saying with no real connection to this letter but now I am focused on it and will not turn back.

I am welcome? WHERE!? Are you a store manager? Did you invite me over for snacks?? Can I come aboard your stupid sailboat??? If any of those garnered a yes, "You're welcome" would have been wildly appropriate. Other than that, get over yourself.

5) Bro. Do not call me that. Do not call anyone that.

6) I hate your scarf.

7) What is your dog's name?

(Realizing this argument- which made no sense to begin with- is getting weaker with each numbered point, I have decided to end this letter.)

With all of that said, I must congratulate and thank you, Duckfart. It has been a surprisingly long time since I have achieved such a multi-layered level of philosophical anger. Your simple "nice" gesture of holding a door open has unleashed the aggression of a thousand papercuts.

You are so terrible that it can only be described as Bieberian. Justin Bieberian. I don’t understand why people hate him, but I know it’s a thing that helps me out here.

As people hate Justin Bieber, I brutally hate you, Duckfart. I hate your chivalry and your blazer. I hate your friend and your grandmother. I almost hate Australia because of you, but I know they had very little, if anything, to do with our encounter.

I have been trying to wish less death and destruction upon people lately, so I will close with this- I hope you poop in your pants at a horribly inconvenient time, such as at a wake or Thanksgiving dinner.

Yours in unreasonable disdain,

PS-- If you can make trendosaurus maximus an actual thing, I will graciously denounce most of my previously-mentioned hatred toward you.


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