Saturday, August 17, 2024

What Does That Mean?

What Does That Mean?

What is a gift horse? How can a fiddle be fit? Is a dead ringer the same as a spitting image?

Below are links to common expressions and words, their meanings, and their often-curious origins. Many have been translated through the centuries and the original connotations are disputed. Keeping that uncertainty in mind, I have chosen the most reasonable and/or interesting explanations.

To suggest more things, use the comments section below!

Current words/phrases: 371

March 6, 2025:
bust one’s chops, have your ducks in a row, hold your horses, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, mutton chops, SUPERSTITION- black cat, URL, your goose is cooked

ain't, bought the farm, catch-22 + many others

don't look a gift horse in the mouth, et cetera, fifteen minutes of fame + many others

gas-lighting, happy as a clam, in a nutshell + many others

Jesus H. Christ, kick the bucket, loose lips sink ships + many others

mayday, neck of the woods, Oedipus complex + many others

pardon my French, quitting cold turkey, raining cats & dogs + many others

saved by the bell, the bee's knees, under the weather + many others

vice versa, wiggle room + some others

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