Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Making Love (Out Of Thin Air)


Making Love (Out Of Thin Air)

 An empty bed
In the heart of winter
With snow on the ground
Everywhere to be found
They raise each other's temperature

If it was meant to be
It would have been beautiful
But they each decided to lie
Until it was time to cry and die
And the moon replaced the sun

Moments eventually grow longer
While time passes by, unaware
They just want to know for sure
If this should be much less or more
Or halted completely and forever

Do you want to know the truth?
As the answer hides in the sheets
There's no telling what she knows
By the radiance she glows, so it goes
Love disappears like candle smoke

He searches for a cure
As he tosses and turns awake
Something saves him from his sorrow
There doesn't need to be tomorrow
But it would be nice, for once

Sweat rolls onto a pillow
Purposely placed with the cold side down
A simple act should cause no grief
So says the relief in that belief
Be one with yourself and another

The busy air becomes so still
Alive one minute, now nearly dead
Silent breaths make up the reaction
There can never be great satisfaction
In a room with no light or windows

Seeing how perfect life could be
In one flash within two minds
Dreams happen more in waking hours
Sometimes flowers, but often rain showers
You're stuck in a mid-conscious state

Their lips press together so firmly
He is a magnet as she is a metal ship
They sail from safe soil to an unknown ocean
Unsure, yet prepared to embrace the motions
The deserted sea center awaits

Inevitability lies in bed between them
Searching for an escape or finale
It decides to no longer wait
Destiny will not be late at this place and date
The time to reconsider has passed

Pieces of them fall onto the floor
Each one crashing with a thunderous blast
Skin tries to contact more skin
As this act is about to begin
And all their answers turn to questions

The two worlds collide into one
Causing gravity to become extinct
Hopeful eyes give way to an empty gaze
Getting out of this maze may take a few days
It will be as much trouble as it's worth

With the excitement level rising
They don't notice the third party enter
Their consciences have become one
And both parts have decided to run
Up to the point of no return

Their cores welcome each other
It's a perfect fit as they share a smile
One inside the other's mind
But from behind, it's not so kind
Penetrated in more way than one

The zenith calls out to them
Giving instructions on where to land
As they begin to approach
Their thoughts turn to reproach
Blaming each other for their own sins

He gets off at the next stop
While she continues down the road
Distantly waving with uneasy hands
Certain glands have such harsh demands
They roll back and look up to the sky

The answer lies in no direction
Side by side it's all the same
Staring intently at the ceiling
Doing anything now but feeling
Opposite ends of the universe-sized bed

Silence sweeps in to fill the room
Replacing what was nearly created
Hating what they have both become
Their mouths are numb, and the word is mum
Sadly, nothing can express what just happened...

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