Wednesday, August 07, 2024




 I need to get through to you
I feel like you don't know how much I care
Can I scream it out?
Write it in the clouds?
Tattoo it on my face
So you'll know each time you look at me?
Oh, when you look at me
Time stops and the world shatters
I feel like I'm blind
I can't see anything but you
Chaos rules inside me
I have so much love to give
But it's hidden away
Help me find it
I can't do this on my own
I leave a part of myself every time I leave your side
I'm falling to pieces
And there's nothing to put me back together
No glue is strong enough
To overcome my weakness
When we're alone I feel alone
You always have an excuse not to kiss me
We'll be late for the movie
Or I didn't shave today
I wonder if there is a real reason
Are you afraid of liking it?
Liking me?
I'm not so brave under the surface
I get frightened in the dark
Your light is so brilliant and red
But what's that in your hand?
I feel it going into my back
Screaming, I welcome the pain
It mixes with pleasure and consumes me
There is nothing so delicate
As the touch of a woman
Tear out my heart and squeeze it
Kick it and throw it
But please please please don't break it
You can keep it for as long as you want
I'll never ask for it back
I am yours forever
This I promise
I've never crossed my heart
But I would hope to die...

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